Well I wasn't kidding about the fog that I lived in from May until July....I have tried for weeks to pinpoint some stories from those days, and there just aren't many....I can tell you we went to a lot of doctors appointments and had a lot of amazing people working around the clock in our home. The days were very busy and we were all in a rush to a time that we still didn't know what it held. Our rush to get ready was cut short when the little man who was breach and small and not expected to come on his own decided that he was ready to meet the world.
The first of July we received our kitchen cabinets. Very exciting for a 9 month pregnant woman to have a kitchen again. We had one more doctor appointment with a doctor that we didn't want to see, but we had to have approval to deliver at the hospital we wanted to have him at and not the "teaching hospital". We wanted him to be born where we had been born, where his grandfather worked, where the rooms were familiar and the staff was family. We just had to get the NICU doctors and the specialist on board. Well they signed off on Thursday. So we were to go and start pre-registration the next week after the holiday...we still had two weeks until our due date of course so we were doing fine with time....right???? well if you have learned anything about us it is that things don't really go on our plan....EVER.
Well the holiday weekend was wonderful. I LOVE fireworks, so I drug everyone downtown to watch them, because it is tradition and I couldn't skip this year! I spent most of the weekend crawling around in my kitchen putting up all my pots and pans (nesting much.....). Monday comes around and we are all still off for the holiday, but softball for Jason doesn't take off for the holiday, so he went on...why wouldn't he, right? My dearest, best friend came over and we chowed down on a casserole that a friend from work had made, we laughed and watched a movie....all was well in the world. I mean the pain in my back wasn't anything....right??? Well I didn't think two thoughts about it and it sure never crossed my mind that this is what labor pains felt like. My friend wasn't quite as confident in that as I was, especially when she realized that these pains weren't constant pain, but more of a regular pain that you could time between.....I put back labor pains on the list of things that no one really tells you about before you have a baby....in true best friend nature, she wouldn't leave until Jason came home from softball, even though I told her that I was fine and she should go on.
Jason's dad came back after softball and still I went on about my bad self that I was just fine. They finished up whatever they were working on that evening in the bathroom...still didn't have a full working bathroom downstairs...but we had two weeks until my C-section and then I would be in the hospital for a few days, so there was plenty of time to have a working restroom for me when I would come home....yeah, you get the idea. We thought we had the schedule all figured out.
Jason and I go to lay down and I am still feeling like crap. I lay in the bed and decide that was never going to happen. I moved to the recliner and yelled for Jason that I needed a heating pad to make my back feel better. I don't think that a full two minutes passed between Jason getting me set up with the heating pad in the recliner and making it back to bed before I was screaming for him again and this time it was full panic screaming!
I was GUSHING "water"....I yell that MY WATER HAS BROKE!!!! He comes in there and says "are you sure?" Well, I will give you that I have never had my water break before, but as for what else this could be, I was all out of options. I look at him and scream, well I've never used the restroom out of there before if it isn't.....now let me give you some TMI.....another moment that I felt no one even began to prepare me for....this "water" breaking event is not as I had ever imagined. 1. if your child is breach, be prepared that there be more to the "water" than liquid substances, 2. it doesn't always just come out and stop (yep, I jumped in the shower thinking that I could clean this mess off of me before I got in the car, that wasn't going to happen, because the water wouldn't stop!), 3. labor pains are SO MUCH WORSE once your water breaks!!!! That is all of my spoilers for today, but if you haven't birthed a child and you do go into labor and your water breaks, you can thank me later.
My mom is yelling on the phone to get in the car, Jason's dad is telling Jason that he doesn't have to have a bag packed just get me in the car, Jason is taking every towel that he can find to wrap me like a sumo wrestler and get me into the car. Once in the car, we realize we've never even discussed how we wanted to get to the hospital from our house, I'm screaming, he was going too fast, too slow, too bumpy, pretty much you name it and I yelled it.....we arrive at the hospital.....and that is where I will start next time :)